Adoption Overview $1,500

Little Miss

Little Miss is part of the CSU Right Horse Program, where she has worked with students for the past semester. 

Little Miss is a sweet and curious 2 year old mare. She is very polite on the ground and very willing to learn. Somewhat nervous about new things but with time a patience she has proven to give her best effort! I have been working with her for about a week now and have already seen so many improvements. She is very responsive when doing liberty work and on the line. I have sent her over some small obstacles and she always tries her best. She stands quietly when being groomed and stood perfectly still when getting her feet done. She has been saddled and bridled, and has also started ground driving! The sky is the limit with this super sweet, super cute little mare!

Little Miss is available for adoption through Harmony Equine, so please contact Hannah at if interested! Or, come see her at the Right Horse Showcase at Colorado State University December 9th!


NameLittle Miss
LocationFort Collins, CO
Height12.0 HH
DisciplinesLessons/Therapy, Other, Gaited, Companion, Trail Riding, Prospect for Any Discipline
Temperament6 - Some Energy

Basic Behavior Profile

The Basic Behavior Profile is provided as a convenience and is not a warranty or guaranty of any particular results from any animal adopted through My Right Horse. The Basic Behavior Profile is created from information provided by the adoption agency listing a horse for adoption. My Right Horse is not an agent or broker for any adoption agency on My Right Horse does not independently verify the information in any listing or Basic Behavior Profile and disclaims all representations and warranties concerning the accuracy and completeness of information in My Right Horse listings and Basic Behavior Profiles. You are solely responsible for independently verifying whether an animal found through will meet your specific needs and preferences. To continue to view this Basic Behavior Profile, you must acknowledge and agree to the foregoing as well as to the My Right Horse Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Basic Behavior Profile 14 of 14


  • Can be approached when loose in turnout.
  • Calm when haltered.
  • Leading, turning, stopping, backing.
  • Can be led through a gate.
  • Stands calmly tied.
  • Moves hindquarters away from pressure on hind.
  • Stands Calmly while body is brushed.
  • Allows all feet to be picked up, stands calmly while foot is held.
  • Stands calmly for blanket/fly sheet.
  • Stands calmly for oral administration of fluid from syringe or tube.
  • Stands calmly for rectal temperature.
  • Stands calmly for fly spray (spray or insecticide).
  • Stands calmly while legs hosed with water.
  • Calmly trailer loads and unloads.


No incomplete items

Colorado State University - Temple Grandin Equine Center

735 S Overland Trail, Equine Sciences
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Adam Daurio
